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AE script-Limber V1.6.0 + tutorial

Limber is an IK system for After Effects, which uses shape layers to create customizable limbs for character animation. Limber has the shape and color of the control style, dynamically prevents the animation from "popping", smoothly blends the IK and FK between, and exchanges different types of limbs.

You use the familiar controller layer to animate the hip and ankle points of your limbs. If you want to use FK, simply generate an FK controller, reparent your hand or foot layer to the new controller, and dial in the FK rotation value you need-the perfect swing arm in a walking loop.

You can customize the limb shape layer in any way you like: add extra shapes, change existing shapes, add extra attributes such as strokes or gradient fills, delete parts of the limbs to get a separate layer for each part ,and many more. Once a branch is styled the way you want, you can copy it, or copy and paste the customization to another branch.

We have included a "body library" that allows you to access more and more advanced customized limbs-many of which are themselves complex equipment with additional attributes and behavioral controls.


Limber is an IK system for After Effects that uses shape layers to make customizable limbs for character animation. Limber has controls for styling the shape and colours, dynamically preventing animation'pops', smoothly blending between IK and FK, and swapping limbs for different types .


V1.6.0 update content:

New named button-new user guide for viewing information
New path bone button-see new user guide information
New rig and attitude button-a new user guide for viewing information
New import library button
The body library has been updated to work for V1. 6-Many new limbs have been added.
New User
There is no "Replace" button-if you hold down the Alt key and click "New", you can still do this.

The default taper is now compatible with Bodymovin.
The default taper now has
Rounding that runs from the center of the circle instead of the edge. The built-in color split function bounces out by default
Set to zero,
Default bones can now
Correctly bend the rotation of the controller by bone curvature
Controller rotation is no longer adjusted by the user
The controller is now set to 0º instead of 180º by default
The rotation end defaults to 0
The rotation of the FK controller is more consistent with the IK controller
Joint controller has new rotation options

Support Win/Mac system: AE 2020, CC 2019, CC 2018


【download link】

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